The Impact of Doctoral Research in Information Science and Librarianship

APPENDIX B - Questionnaire to Students

The Impact of Doctoral Research in Information Science and Librarianship.
A Research Project funded by the Research and Innovation Centre, the British Library

As a PhD scholar and researcher, you will appreciate the value of assessing the impact that your work has made -- and continues to make -- in your chosen professional field. Studies have shown that, although research impact is abstract and difficult to measure, responses from the researchers themselves to impact-related questions play a key role. With this in mind, please would you take a bit of your time to respond to this questionnaire as carefully as possible. Thank you in advance for your valuable assistance.

Please return in the envelope provided by 5 November 1996.

A. Introductory Questions

1. Name:

2. Name change since PhD:

3. Address (if different from the one used to contact you):

4. PhD received from:

5. PhD completed (year):

6. PhD thesis title:

7. PhD research topic (please use up to five keywords)

B. Research-Related Career Advancement

1. Title of your first position after phd completion (if untitled or title is unclear, please describe briefly):

2. Subsequent position titles including current position (if different from above):

3. Extent to which your doctoral research was important in obtaining

Post 1: [ ] little or none [ ] somewhat [ ] very important

Post 2 etc.: [ ] little or none [ ] somewhat [ ] very important

Current post: [ ] little or none [ ] somewhat [ ] very important

(please check where applicable, explain if necessary)

4. Extent to which your doctoral research was (is) relevant to carrying out the duties of

Post 1: [ ] little or none [ ] somewhat [ ] very relevant

Post 2 etc.: [ ] little or none [ ] somewhat [ ] very relevant

Current post: [ ] little or none [ ] somewhat [ ] very relevant

(please check where applicable, explain if necessary)

B. 5. Stage of career in which doctoral research was undertaken:

(please check one box in each part, explain if necessary)

5.a. [ ] immediately after master's degree

[ ] within 5 years of master's degree

[ ] 5 to 10 years from master's degree

[ ] more than 10 years from master's degree

5.b. [ ] prior to 1st professional post

[ ] beginning professional career

[ ] middle professional career

[ ] well-established professional career

C. Perceived Benefits/Disadvantages of Doctoral Research and Aftermath

1. Please take a few minutes to list and describe how your doctoral research has been beneficial to you, both during your study and subsequently.

1a. Professional benefits

1b. Personal benefits

C. 1c. Social benefits

1d. Financial benefits

1e. Any other benefits

2. Were there negative aspects to your doctoral research (e.g. professional, personal, social, financial) that could impact upon the potential for successful doctoral research in the future? If so, please list or explain.

D. Research-Related Publication and Dissemination

This final section of the questionnaire may be the most time-consuming for you. However, it is crucial to obtain lists of all relevant publications, because citation analysis will be conducted in the project on the basis of these lists.


1. Please give bibliographic details of all publications (books, journal articles, published conference contributions, etc.) Which follow from your phd research, or which you feel are the result of that research.

(please use the back of this page if you need more space)

D. 2. Please give details of all invited conference papers, keynote speeches or lectures, workshops, etc., Resulting from your research which were unpublished or otherwise fall outside of question 1.

(please use the back of this page if you need more space)

D. 3. Please give details of any other forms of dissemination (e.g. CAL packages, software) produced by you (or specified others) resulting from work carried out in the process of, or derived from, your PhD degree.

4. Does any other form of doctoral research-related publication or dissemination apply, not covered in the three previous questions? If so, please describe.

You have now completed this questionnaire.

With such open-ended questions as these it is often necessary to follow up responses with more personalised contact. If you agree to a follow-up to clarify your responses or assist with interpretation, please indicate in the box: Phone number: E-mail:

Please remember to return your questionnaire by November 5th. Once again, thank you for your valuable assistance.

Mary Dykstra Lynch and T.D. Wilson©British Library Board 1997