Internal hyperlinks were a feature of TreePad in 1999, but since then, the Web has really taken off and TreePad has developed the use of hyperlinks considerably. In fact, just about every use imaginable is found for them.  For example, you can create hyperlinked bookmarks for frequently used articles in the database. For example, one article may be your to-do list and you may want to keep jumping backwards and forwards to the list. You can also use hyperlinks to create cross-references: this is useful because the tree structure can show only one mode of classification for the database and your articles may relate to more than one topic in the tree. Rather than repeat the article under a node, you can simply cross reference, for example, from here to What is it?.
You can also use hyperlinks to launch external documents from TreePad - this was done in the Introduction, and you can also launch other applications this way. The ways of using hyperlinks can appear rather complex and the manual has a list of forty-five nodes on the subject, so this review cannot really do full justice to the topic. However, you can always download the trial version and take a look at the manual that comes along with it.
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